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19 years
Castellano, Inglés y Portugués
Colombia, Antioquia
Interested in:
Mujeres, Parejas, Hombres y Transexuales
1 month
Last show:
1 day
I am a somewhat shy young woman, but there is something in my gaze that seems to capture the attention of those around me.Perhaps it is that mixture of reserved and at the same time seductive that I cannot avoid.My glasses rest on my nose, a simple detail, but that somehow highlights my face, giving it a more mysterious air, as if I were hiding more than I let on.Sometimes I am surprised by the power that eyes have; although my way of being is quiet, my gaze has an intensity that can captivate.I do not seek to attract attention, but it is as if, without wanting to, I do.
Although I am somewhat introverted, I have a mind that never stops thinking. I am a cultured person, I enjoy deep and enriching conversations on a variety of topics.
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