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I am an ordinary person, perhaps my biggest problem (for some a virtue) may be that I always say what I think... but having... I have two eyes, a mouth, two arms, a dick... No I'm here for money (neither to win it nor to lose it), nor to look for girls, nor for anything unrelated to me... simply to have a different time and disconnect from life
Years of experience in this space, I do not like to get involved in environments, either in my daily life or in the rooms of this place, where hypocrisy, falsehood and the ego reign. What I like is to see rooms (I guess voyeur thing), sometimes to listen, others to see beautiful things... rarely to participate, but always to learn
The profile photo is of my eye, and I give it the meaning that what matters is not what we look at, but what we see (philosophical phrase of some author, but that's how I "see" it too xd)
No price is too high for the privilege of being oneself, and being alone rather than in bad company is one of the most pleasant I have ever known.
I may be more or less warm, but always dressed 💋
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