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50 years
Francés, Castellano y Portugués
Brazil, Rio Grande do Norte
Interested in:
Mujeres y Parejas
#cute #glasses #innocent #romantic
3 years
Last show:
7 hours
Calligraphy apprentice with an exacerbated use of verbiage,
apprentice to make good use of scissors, making handicrafts with cardboard, apprentice of a sorcerer
sorcerer's apprentice, with Latin and Arab blood mixed with a masterful formula
I am Raro, a very rare unicorn, with strange gait, shirts and socks, with green eyes and grape shape
Sometimes I can sleep for 57 seconds, sometimes I'm a vampire,
i'm the window in your wall
The lord of the R U I D O,
the interesting thing, is not to stop being one.
Always Useful
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