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Hello voyeurs ❤️ We are a couple with a lot of morbid, we like the games, and make you enjoy muchissimo above all make you horny. If you are contributing you can ask, but look and enjoy the show, do not be demanding, or disrespect. We love to do shows and have a great time, but above all have a great time with you.
I love to make you enjoy, I like to feel observed and to be told things, I like to meet challenges but above all to be very wet💦 Pd: We do not do real, or threesomes, I always fuck with the same (I do not like to share) I just like you to look at me 😋 pk we fuck the shit and very hard. we do not say where we are from. And if by chance you think who we are, or where we are do not say anything and continue with the show. So q only remains to say come to look at our room and we will make you very horny🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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