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my name is Zaray, I'm 24 years old! I love nature, I love traveling! I want to travel the world one day! to visit different parts of the planet :) I madly love animals! Cats are my weakness!my biggest dream is when I become a business woman (haha) I will build a house for stray animals, I dream that every pet will have its own home! They are so helpless and need the warmth of human hearts.I practice sports, I love to run in the evenings in the park) My hobby is drawing :) I draw when I have inspiration and time :) I am glad to see you and I am sure we will become friends :)
My name is Zaray, I'm 24 years old! I love nature, I love traveling! I want to travel the world one day! to visit different parts of the planet :) I madly love animals! Cats are my weakness! My biggest dream is when I become a business woman (haha) I will build a house for stray animals, I dream that each pet has its own house! They are so helpless and need the warmth of human hearts. I play sports, I love running in the afternoons in the park) My hobby is drawing :) I draw when I have inspiration and time :) I'm glad to see you and I'm sure we will become friends :)
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