How does heat affect sex?

We all feel it: in summer our sexual desire and activity increase. But, beyond this simple perception, there are objective factors that allow us to confirm or deny this belief.

  • Heat increases the production of oxytocin and endorphins. Oxytocin is the so-called love hormone because it is released during sexual intercourse and increases pleasure and complicity with the partner. Endorphins, on the other hand, are also released during sex, reduce physical pain and trigger the feeling of well-being.
  • Sunlight increases testosterone and estrogen levels,** which are the sex hormones that promote sexual desire and mood.
  • More chemicals? Serotonin levels also go through the roof. And yes, this neurotransmitter also triggers sexual arousal.
  • Heat causes vasodilation of muscle fibers, resulting in increased blood flow to the genitals.
  • Higher temperatures cause us to wear less clothing and to show off and feel more attractive. And, of course, this leads to more sexual fantasies, more peeking and more flirting.
  • Add to all this the lack of schedules and a reduction of stress by living without those worries we experience during the rest of the year. And we have the perfect storm with all its ingredients well mixed to make us obsessed all day long.

But is all that glitters really gold?

  • The same factors that positively affect sex life can also have a detrimental effect on it. For example, during summer there is an increase in cases of erectile dysfunction in some men, and this is caused by the heat. In the absence of other factors of greater severity, it is most likely caused by a circadian cycle, i.e. a normal process that begins to reverse with the arrival of autumn. So don’t worry, this will pass.
  • On the other hand, it is known that during summer holidays there is an increase in the number of couple separations. This is because the time spent together increases exponentially. And if there were previous problems in that relationship, more time together can end up making the situation even worse.

In short, our bodies and minds are not immune to summer. And, whether it affects us positively or negatively, we cannot forget that its days are numbered. And thank goodness! Because we are not made to value what is offered to us without limits, and because there is no evil that lasts a hundred years.

Do you also have your hormones stimulated with this heat? Visit our website and cool off with our girls.

Let’s go!

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