NEW Sugarfans Content Protection

Our friends at Sugarfans have just dropped a bomb. It’s a content protection system that prevents videos and photos uploaded to Sugarfans from being shared on other sites without the Creator’s consent. It’s called Sugarfans Content Protection, and as incredible as it sounds, it’s available to all Sugarfans Creators.

How does it work? If someone tries to take a screenshot or record a video from any type of computer, the screen image is blocked so that no image or video can be recorded.

And what happens when someone tries to record the screen with a cell phone or video camera? Sugarfans Content Protection tags the content with a unique ID for each piece of content and its subsequent user, regardless the device they’re using. This way, if it were to be shared outside the platform, the user who shared it will be identified and held accountable or reported, if necessary.

In addition, Sugarfans content is only accessible to those users who pay to view it and only for the stipulated time. This way, they better protect the creators’ content and boost their profits.

In short, at Sugarfans they take piracy prevention very seriously and give their creators the value they truly deserve. This is why more and more creators are choosing them to host their pay-per-view content.

What do you think about Sugarfans‘ new content protection system? Would you like us to offer it here at We look forward to reading your thoughts in the comments.

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