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Dominant (very few have earned that I am submissive hehe but you can try) very morbid and playful, sometimes I emit with my partner Rafa.
⚠️Quien something wants, something costs him, if you want to see something concrete look at the menu how much you have to contribute and if not this, ask me! Be respectful or you will be banned ⚠️
Make yourself comfortable, enjoy, and let's play! Complete the challenges, roll the dice or roulette, and if you want it to be only yours take me to the private and let's do everything alone jiji
With 5 level 5 contributions you get a surprise, do you want yours? 😋
If you want to know me more follow me on twitter, instagram and sugarfans! ⏰HOURS: From 6 am to 8 pm, weekends almost 24h⏰
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