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Hi, I'm Luxiana, but everyone calls me lu.cy I'm a very sexual girl, morbid and funny, I like to play and try new things, I like to provoke and warm up others, I'm a little insatiable and I love to please and be pleased, I want to cum all the time and I love to see a man cum, give me until the last drop!!! I like many toys, change my look and space often, you will see me different always and create new situations to play, below list of everything I like to do, with me you will always have a good time 😉
Be respectful, don't ask for anything if you don't tip, respect the price values, don't insult. don't insist. i do NOT do real or watch other cams. everyone is welcome to my room but only those who contribute can ask. i am very sweet and respectful ,be my king and i will be your queen.
Hi love,im luxiana but call me lu.cy i speak english if u want just join me to play together 😉
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