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21 years
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1 month
Hello, my name is Dasha, and I am that little minx who is difficult to keep within limits. I've always liked to be a little naughty, a little daring and just a little naughty. I am sure that life is too short to waste it on boredom and monotony. I need movement, emotions, sparks and a game where I dictate my own rules.💕💕💕💕
Since childhood, I have been accustomed to being the center of attention. Be it my school days, university or parties with friends - I always knew how to attract attention and keep them on me. I like to feel special, I like to feel admiring and curious glances on me. It gives me energy, makes me play even more passionately, be even brighter. After all, I'm not just an ordinary girl, I'm mischievous, brave and the way I want to be.😚😚🤗💕🫰
There is something childish in me, something naive and at the same time scorchingly daring. I can tease for a long time, smile flirtatiously, and then suddenly disappear, leaving only a light trail of memories. I like the feeling of freedom, I like knowing that no one can hold me back if I don't want it myself.😈😈😈🤗
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